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Sunglasses Trends

Sunglasses Trends

Top 10 Sunglasses Sold Online

We all know how popular Ray Ban Sunglasses are, we see them everywhere. So it was no surprise to me that they were the top brand sold online. What did surprise me however was the fact that they took…

Sunglasses Trends

Tory Burch Sunglasses Fall 2011

When you think of Tory Burch the first thing that comes to your head is a ballerina flat with that T logo medallion on it. There is so much more to the brand though she designs anything from bags…

Sunglasses Trends

Wear Sunglasses At All Times

When buying sunglasses you don’t really think about the benefits it will bring you. You are actually thinking about how the look, if they are cool or cute. Well much like people stress on protecting your skin when you…

Sunglasses Trends

Round Shaped Sunglasses are Back

We’ve seen the trend of round-shaped sunglasses coming back for some time now. These are very popular for a retro look and unique style. The round sunglasses trend has become particularly popular with women, and now men are embracing…