Fans are curious about the Freddie Mercury sunglasses featured in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. The movie covers a time of more than a decade from the ’70s to the ’80s. There are a variety of sunglasses worn throughout the movie, but most prominent during the film are the highly reflective mirrored Aviator sunglasses worn by Freddie Mercury played by Rami Malek.
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What sunglasses is Freddie Mercury wearing in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody?
According to our eyes, the Ray Ban RB3025 Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses would be the closest match to the sunglasses Freddie Mercury is wearing.

These mirrored lens sunglasses are worn during the most notable scenes of the film when the press is hounding Freddie Mercury about his personal life. It’s a stressful moment for Freddie and the rest of the band and it was no wonder he was blocking out the press by hiding behind the large mirrored sunglasses