Curious about the hottest trends for men in 2013? Check out these hot-ticket items that are being seen on style-makers everywhere this year.
Mirrored Sunglasses

Sunglasses are always a necessity when it comes to staying fashion-forward, and this year mirrored shades are the hottest trend in eyewear. Mirrored sunglasses allow you to add bright colorful tints to your shades without having to see the world in hot-pink or bright blue. One of the biggest benefits of wearing mirrored sunglasses is that no one can see your eyes, making you appear more mysterious than ever. Try the Ray Ban Wayfarer Polarized RB2132 with mirrored lenses for an updated, yet classic look.
Slip-On Sneakers
Sick of laces? Good, we are too. Slip-on sneakers are the new trend for men’s footwear this year, making unmanageable ratty laces a thing of the past. Besides being more comfortable, and more accessible to the lazier members of the male persuasion, slip-on sneakers are now more fashionable than ever.
Olive Camouflage
Camo is back in a big way. No longer just appropriate for hunting season, camouflage has found its way onto briefcases, cargo-shorts, and even the fitted blazer. Adding a bit of camo to your outfit is a great way to look extra manly and extra sexy. Women love a man in uniform, and even just a hint of “uniform” is sometimes all you need to catch that special someone’s eye.
Double-Breasted Suit
Double breasted suits are really hot this year. These suits have an attention-grabbing aspect that is hard to replicate with any other piece of clothing. Double breasted suits are also great for slimmer guys. If you’re worried about looking stuck up, dial it down by keeping the jacket unbuttoned.
Awesome Suede Shoes
Elegant shoes like these blue suede beauties work with looks from ultra-casual to all-business. The double-buckle and slight heel are classic, and you can go with black (great with jeans) or brown (perfect with khakis) if blue is a bit too much for your look.
Bold, Manly Stripes
Want to look ripped, even though your gym membership expired three years ago? Wearing a shirt with broad stripes across your chest will make your chest and your shoulders look broader and more defined. This trend is sure to make you look even better after your workout!
Neutrals Other than Navy, Black, and Gray
Brown suits are kicking classic navy and gray out of your closet! Wearing a dark brown suit to the office will make you stand out in an understated way. You can add a shot of color with your choice of dress shirt or tie.
Bright Outerwear
Colorful parkas aren’t just for girls anymore. When it’s cold outside and you’re looking to stand out in a crowd, throwing on a bright parka is a great idea. This bright red example will make you easy to pick out on the slopes or on a crowded city street.
Three-Piece Suits
Three-piece suits are 50% more awesome than their two-piece counterparts. Spotted on celebrities such as Johnny Depp and Will Arnett, these suits make a man seem so much more powerful. Fashion-forward men are letting this look speak for them in boardrooms and offices everywhere.
Denim or Chambray Shirts
Denim or lighter weight chambray shirts have always been a staple of the blue-collar workforce, but now they’re also making an appearance on fancy dates and at less formal offices. And you don’t have to look like David Beckham to rock this look (though it can’t hurt). Simplicity and a great fit will make these shirts the bomb in 2013. If your wardrobe needs a boost, try adding a few of these hot trends to your closet in 2013.