Most of you might feel that wearing sunglasses is a necessity only during the summer months, but that is not the truth. In fact it is important that you put on a pair of good sunglasses whenever you are outdoors all throughout the year. This way you can easily protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. While you are buying a pair of sunglasses it is important that you choose the one most suitable for your needs. Those lenses which have a print on them saying that they offer 99 to 100% protection from UVB and UVA rays are the ones you can vouch upon for safeguarding your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.
Benefits of Polarized Sunglasses
As far as polarized sunglasses are concerned, the superior quality of these lenses is known to provide protection to the eyes from ultraviolet rays. It is important to note, that polarized sunglasses offer a different kind of protection for the eyes from UV rays. However, that does not mean they offer an increased protection.

Rather the polarized sunglasses are more suitable to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun. Therefore it is necessary that when you are purchasing a pair of polarized sunglasses, that you verify the UV protection level.
Benefits of UV Protection Sunglasses
There are many sunglasses available in the market today which promises to offer absolute ultraviolet protection. But, in reality, these glasses are coated with a cheaper chemical thus failing to provide a complete guard. With that said, it is always a better idea to pay that extra amount for your polarized sunglasses. Polarized sunglasses have an inbuilt coating of a thin laminate which has the capacity to offer 100% UV protection.

If you desire not to compromise on the quality of sunglasses you can check out ShadesDaddy.com for some wonderful polarized sunglasses. Our sunglasses are equally competent to care for your eyes both from the glare as well as the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

If UV protection is the main objective behind the use of your sunglasses; then it is important that you choose the right hue of the sunglasses.
For UV protection it does not mean that darker the lens higher the protection. This is because the coating blocking the ultraviolet rays are clear. Yet the tint of the glass plays a significant role.
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For example, yellow or rose tinted sunglasses might make distinction of traffic signals difficult. While gray, green and brown lenses reduce vision distortion.

So selecting your sunglasses keeping in mind certain basic factors will satisfy your purpose easily.