The hottest name in the game right now, Timothee Chalamet, is everything right now. His roles in ‘Lady Bird’ and ‘Call Me By Your Name’ are getting him worldwide recognition and garnering the label of heart throbe at a young age. Timothee’s role in Call Me By Your Name,which chronicles the romantic relationship between Elio Perlman (Timothée Chalamet), a 17-year-old living in Italy, and his father’s American assistant, Oliver (Armie Hammer), got him an Oscar nomination at age 22.
So, what sunglasses is Tomithee Chalamet (Elio Perlman) wearing in Call Me By Your Name? Through the movie, you can see Timothees character, Elio, wearing Wayfarer style sunglasses. These black sunglasses are as classic as it gets and a look that goes with EVERYTHING.

Image CopyRight Unknown (From Film Call Me By Your Name)
Black Wayfarer style sunglasses, specifically the Ray-Ban classic Wayfarers are sunglasses that have made movies history from Tom Cruise in Risky Business to Leonardo Dicaprio in The Wolf of WallStreet.
So, you want to get the Timothee Chalamet look from the movie?
Here is our pick:
what sunglasses is Tomithee Chalamet (Elio Perlman) wearing in Call Me By Your Name